Yep, that's me - reading on a road trip (please ignore the splattered bugs on the windshield).
If I had a wish, it would be: to cuddle up under a down comforter and READ, READ, READ for a whole day (with NO guilt trips from my family)! I know there are some of you out there who are just like me. If you want a list of great books, scroll down through the books I've read - these are just some of my favorites. I've split up the list into a few different categories. These categories are listed on the right side of this blog page. Click on one to take you to a list of books. If you see a book you like, leave me a comment about it. If you have read a book that isn't listed under one of my categories,(and you want to recommend it),leave me a comment with the name and author. It might just make it onto my list of Terrific Tomes! Happy Reading!!
BTW - I'll be adding descriptions of the books I've got listed here, so check back often.